Wednesday, January 29, 2014

ޱ ױ Ǵ ѧӢ Ƚ ѧϵ Old Dominion Ľ ϯ (Bruce Robbins, Old Dominion Foundation Professor in the Humanit

h ʢ ٴ ѧ ѷ ʹ ϵѧԺ й о Σ ʢ ٴ ѧ ʷϵ (Madeleine Y. Dong, Chair, China Studies Program, Jackson School of International Studies; Associate Professor of History and International Studies, University car check ireland of Washington, USA)
ร ݴ ѧEAP Ϻ ѧϰ Σ ʥ ؿ ȼ ݴ ѧ ѧ (Christopher Connery, Director, EAP Shanghai Study Center Office, University of California; Professor of Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
ŦԼ ѧ ʷϵ 붫 о ڣ о ίԱ Ա Ļ Ա (#Rebecca Karl, Associate Professor of History & East Asian Studies, New York University, USA; Editorial board member of Critical Asian Studies and Member of editorial collective, positions: east asia cultures critique)
ѧ ʷϵTing Tsung Wei Fong Chao о ϯ ڣ Ļ 봴 (Tani E. Barlow, Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Professor of Asian Studies, History Department, Rice University, USA; Founding Senior Editor, positions: east asia cultures critique)
ޱ Ӣ ѧ ѧϵ ڣ ŦԼ о ѧԺ о Ժ ʷϵ ʽ (Robin car check ireland Blackburn, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex, UK; Distinguished Visiting Professor of History, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research)
Ӹ ѧ ʷϵϵ Ρ F غͰ M ؽ ڣ Ӹ ѧ ʹ ϵίԱ Ա (Bruce Cumings, Chair, History Department, Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service car check ireland Professor, Member, Committee on International car check ireland Relations, University car check ireland of Chicago, USA)
ոԴ ѧ ѧ ڣ ݣ Ͼ ѧ о ڣ Ӣ ױ Ǵ ѧ á ߵ о ѧ (Arif Dirlik, Knight Professor of Social Science, University of Oregon, USA, Retired; Honorary Adjunct Professor, Center for the Study of Marxist Social Theory, car check ireland Nanjing University; Distinguished Visiting Fellow, car check ireland Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia, CANADA)
ط ݡ Ĭ ˡ ɵ Ĵ Ϥ ѧ ѧ ʹ ýѧԺý 봫 ѧԺ й ý о (Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Honorary Professor of Chinese Media Studies, Department of Media and Communications, School of Letters, Art, and Media, University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA)
Ĭ Ĵ ǰ ѧ й о ϵ Ρ ڣ ѧԺ о (Mobo Gao, Professor and Chair of Chinese car check ireland Studies, Director, Confucius Institute Centre for Asian Studies, The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA)
ͼ Ӹ ѧ ʷϵ ڣ ݣ ſ ѧ ѧϵ ʽ (Harry car check ireland Harootunian, Max Palevsky Professor Emeritus of History, at University of Chicago, car check ireland USA; Visiting Professor of Literature, Duke University, USA)
ΰ Ӹ ѧ ʷϵ ڡ о (James L. Hevia, Professor, Department of History and the New Collegiate Division, Director, International Studies Program, University of Chicago, USA)
ɼ? ݴ ѧ ʷϵ ݽ ڣ й ʷ ѧ Ѯ 1975 ľ? й (Philip C. C. Huang, Professor of History, Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, and Editor (1975 to the present), Modern China: An International Quarterly of History and Social Science. (Reviewer of Wang Hui s 4-volume The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought.))
Ĵ ʿ ѧ ѧѧԺ (Jon von Kowallis, Associate Professor, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA)
á Ӣ ѧ ŷ ѧ ڡ ŷ ѧ о Ρ ѧ (Peter Osborne, Professor of Modern car check ireland European Philosophy, Director, Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Middlesex University, UK; Editor, Radical Philosophy)
Hyun Ok ô Լ ѧ ѧϵ ڣ ᡷ ʷ ڿ ڿ ίԱ Ա ( Hyun Ok Park, Associate Professor of Sociology, York University, CANADA; Member, car check ireland editorial boards of Economy and Society, Journal of Northeast car check ireland Asian History, and Korea Journal)
ޱ ױ Ǵ ѧӢ Ƚ ѧϵ Old Dominion Ľ ϯ (Bruce Robbins, Old Dominion Foundation Professor in the Humanities, car check ireland Department of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, USA)
ŦԼ ѧ Ļ ϵ о ڡ ŦԼ ѧ 硶 Ļ (Andrew Ross, Professor of American Studies, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University, USA; Editor, Social & Cultural car check ireland Analysis series, NYU Press)
ΰ ױ Ǵ ѧ ϵ (Wei Shang, car check ireland Professor of Chinese, Columbia University, USA)
MIT й Ļ о ڡ S. C. Fang й Ļ ϯ ڡ ý Ϊʵ (Jing Wang, Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies, S. C. Fang Professor of Chinese Language and Culture, Director, New Media Action Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA)
Ӣ ŵ ѧ й о о Ա (Zhengxu Wang, Senior Research Fellow and Acting Director, C


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