Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tenth - Model Year Year Year Position Position 1980 A 1997 V 1981 B 1998 C 1999 W 1982 X 1983 Y 198

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VIN - Vehicle identification number (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique serial number used in the automotive industry to identify vehicles. Phone gives you the opportunity to obtain information about the manufacturer, the characteristics of the vehicle, year and country of issue.
Before 1981, the problem of using identification cartell codes was the lack of standardization, and different manufacturers use different formats of code. However, since 1981 VIN consists of 17 alphanumeric characters tsifernyh. The code letters are used I (i), O (o) and Q (q) because of their resemblance to the numbers 0 and 1.
Modern VINy based on two international standards ISO 3779 and ISO 3780. They are comparable, but slightly different usage patterns. Such standards VIN adopted cartell in the European Union and the United States.
The structure of the vehicle's cartell VIN is composed of three parts: WMI (World Manufacturers Identification) - World Index producer (1-3 characters rooms). WMI is a code assigned by the manufacturer to confirm its identity. The code consists of three characters: the first is a geographical area, the second - the country cartell in this area, and the third - a specific manufacturer.
VDS (Vehicle Description Section) - descriptive part (4-9 characters rooms). VDS consists of six characters describing the properties of the vehicle. Signs themselves, cartell the sequence cartell of their location and their meaning specified by the manufacturer. Unused positions manufacturer may fill selected at the sole discretion signs.
VIS (Vehicle Identification Section) - distinctive part (10-17 characters rooms). VIS is composed of eight characters third section of the VIN-code, and the last four digits of this section must be digits. If a manufacturer wishes cartell to include in the model year designation VIS or assembly plant, it is recommended to put the model year designation in the first position, and the designation of an assembly plant - the second.
3 France Japan J V V Spain South Korea K Kingdom of Yugoslavia V S W Germany Poland Switzerland S Holland X T Y Belgium Czech Republic / Slovakia Sweden T T Y Hungary Italy Portugal Z T X CIS Denmark cartell Ireland U U
Second - the manufacturer cartell Brand Position Brand Position 1 Chevrolet General Motors G Pontiac 2 or 5 Honda H Oldsmobile Acura H Buick 3 4 6 Lincoln L Cadillac Mercury M GM Canada 7 Mitsubishi M Saturn 8 Mitsubishi (USA) A Audi A Skoda M Jaguar cartell A Hyundai M A Land Rover Nissan N BMW B Infiniti N BMW (U.S.) U Opel O Dodge B, D Plymouth P Chrysler With Isuzu S Mercedes Benz D Suzuki S Mercedes Benz (USA) J Toyota T Jeep J Lexus T Ford F Volvo V Ferrari F Volkswagen V Fiat F Subaru F
Tenth - Model Year Year Year Position Position 1980 A 1997 V 1981 B 1998 C 1999 W 1982 X 1983 Y 1984 D 2000 E 2001 F 2002 January 1985 February 1986 March 1987 G 2003 H 2004 J 2005 April 1988 May 1989 June 1990 K 2006 L 2007 7 1991 M 2008 8 1992 2009 9 1993 N 2010 P 1994 R A 2011 B 1995 C 1996 S 2012 T, etc.
Thus using VIN can trace the history of almost all of the vehicle from its manufacture in the factory, until the moment when it is on the market offer you. Information base available to VIN-code contains information on the documents on the machine, the data on the resale, the story of the breaking, the story of injuries in accidents, odometer, number cartell of owners, service records, data on the scope of use of car (taxi, rental, leasing and etc.). Therefore, buying a car, do not be lazy to check its VIN, to make sure that the purchase worthwhile.
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