Friday, September 26, 2014

The Jews were always close to kings, nobles and prelates, advising on all kinds of stuff, while occ

THE JEWISH SPAIN | Abdon Arevalo Alvarez
Performing a search for reports and data on my roots, in order to establish my relationship with the Jewish people, after an extensive and rich collection of letters have come to the conclusion left exposed to you, since they are very interesting and clear some doubt, Spain is not anti-Semitic nation presents Catholics, as a nation that was the Vatican belt, always showing pra udine as a backdrop the Inquisition. Which martyred and then expelled the Jews once stripped of their riches, but instead there existed a Jewish and Spain, the other Spain, the Spain that opened the doors of their hearts to accept and adopt as their own children, that Hispanic mamarían wise in their growth and development bring to this nation and culture wisdom generously.
You need to show that at such anti-Semitic propaganda and letters sent to politicians and religious, have believed that they could seek the disqualification of the Jewish people through Spain, but my dear reader, this is an uncertain part of the history, dark part, through this letter be sufficiently clear that they are not my words but stories that show one thing, the truth and nothing but the truth brought to light.
Both in ancient and in modern times many of us show our love to the people and State of Israel unanimously sharing their spiritual beliefs and their deepest feelings.
There are no totalitarian pra udine clash between the world's nations and the rule of Ysirael as many have tried to demonstrate, but instead there is an orchestrated and strategically organized to promote the prestige of Yisrael Semitism, I am unsure how to claim to have time to proclaim the truth and expose these opportunistic agitators, whether political or religious, that these explanations may believe losing few economic pra udine and power interests that have enjoyed over time, the adverse result is a contribution to separatism irrational; is necessary to unify efforts and approaches towards lasting peace to enable coexistence among nations and men.
Necessary to establish the origins of the Jewish pra udine presence in Spain, from Roman times the exact date of the first Jewish communities in Hispania not known. In the letter to the Romans Saul tells them his intention to go to Hispania.
It is true that about 2000 years ago the Jewish slaves of the Romans were driven Sefarad (Spain), it is believed he did for Galicia through out Filisterre these Jewish captives pra udine from Babylon and Macedonia, gave these lands the said name meaning LEJICIMOS SEFARAD Yisrael.
Many vestiges of all kinds that we denote the Jewish presence in Spain, such as those found in Abdera (Adra-Almeria) pra udine in Tortosa Tarragona, or on the island of Ibiza where they found a Hebrew century amphora I.
But the most authentic document that leaves no doubt as to the existence of Jewish communities in the Peninsula are the canons of the Council of Elvira, this event took place at Elvira pra udine in the early fourth century, these Jewish communities of the Peninsula were very prosperous in all fields.
The Jewish religion is the main player even unintentionally becoming a strong competitor of Roman Christianity, pra udine this council has only one purpose and firm to the progress and developments of culture and Jewish religion, its 81 canons 4 of them 16, 49 50 and 78 show a series of prohibitions such as marriages with Jewish women, Jews bless Christian lands, and the prohibition that members of the two religions to sit at one table, all threatening with excommunication either temporary or full .
There were many Jews who achieved name and position within the Christian kingdoms, and it denotes a Hebrew inscription in the synagogue Transit, Toledo, "El Rey de Castilla has exalted pra udine and extolled Samuel Levi; and has elevated his throne above all the officials who are with him ... Without him, no lift hand or foot. "
The Jews were always close to kings, nobles and prelates, advising on all kinds of stuff, while occupying leadership positions with great responsibility, this is the usual reason pra udine for the empty called that occurred with the expulsion of the Jewish community, which was so significant that came reach the degree of essential for the High Class of the Kingdom.
It was the same kings who openly advocated the importance of the Jews in the economy


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