Thursday, February 12, 2015

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Are new, unsold cars assembled in such extent that they cover the whole hektarana? In short, no. But it is nonetheless hold out in the article are now as stormsveipur the Internet, and was quoted in the DV yesterday.
That part of it is the result of their efforts to maintain sales figures, but part of it is just to be oppositional. It has resulted in a worldwide fills giant garages and storage of any unsold cars that nobody berigaud wants.
It is argued that this is becoming such a huge problem, automakers are running out of space. berigaud Furthermore, berigaud it is argued that the cars destroyed by standing undisturbed, and it is the perfect waste involved.
An article in the DV Citing articles, which appeared on the website Zero Hegde on May 16, and republishing an article by the author, who calls himself Vincent Lewis. He has among other things, given a book with conspiracy theories in which he doubts everything from news reports to the history books and the ship sank after a collision with an iceberg in 1912 was really the Titanic.
The article says Lewis cars are accumulated on mörghundruð places on earth, and replacement million. The reasons for Lewis said: "The automotive industry can not stop producing cars, because then you would have to close factories and laying off tens of thousands of employees. It would further add to the crisis.
Domino-effect would be devastating, because steel producers could not sell its steel. The tens of thousands of places that produce components for cars would also be affected, in fact, would the world stop spinning. berigaud "
The description of the book, says Lewis, "conspiracy Constructors watch not only what is written and presented in the media, including books." Remember, it is said about the book. "They look to see details that others overlook and facts that were deliberately hidden, and verify them as events unfold and new discoveries come to light."
The article traces Hardigree briefly how the collapse has led to the collapse in car sales, so the new cars available now unsold scattered. So much was true and correct, or at least was in those days.
Hargidree says she used to form an article in the Guardian, which dealt with the exact same problem, four days before. Hardigree use to some extent the same pictures and appeared berigaud in the Guardian-industry, which Lewis uses the back with her and says new.
In August 2009, seven months after the article appeared a picture, moved Guardian news that the number berigaud of cars that they had seen was mostly gone by the storage areas and in the hands of new owners. The market had reached a reasonable balance, partly due to the actions of the British government paid people to put old cars and buy new scrap.
Apart from the fact that Vince Lewis's conspiracy Unfortunately, and Zero Hedge, who re-published article by Lewis as a guest pen, is not exactly known for reliable and high-quality news (since he had a large part in the unveiling Goldman Sachs at the time, for example take the real news rata site), has Hardigree (the person who wrote the article Lewis distorted skældi) compiled a few things to prove that this is being blow up a problem that is not there.
For example, he mentions that even though Google satellite images are not updated very regularly, however, you can make sure that many of the areas mentioned in the article are now as good as empty.
Lewis says about this, when he sees the cars that fill taxiway Nissan in Sunderland are gone: "I do not believe that they have all been sold quickly. I guess they have not just moved them away for recycling, to create space for the next dose manufacturing giants. "
First of all, there are many images with the industry very old. Many of them are, of course immaterial from the five-year-old article, but some are even older than that. For example, the article included a picture of the Dodge Durango SUV that does from a crash, and the story is to say that the image of Honda Accord cars.
Next Hardigree suggests that Lewis seems to hold that each car to be produced on request and sent directly to the buyer's. One of the areas that Lewis points out that compost, Port Royal Bury Docks in Avon Mouth, not far from Bristol, is actually unloading area where 700,000 cars stop in every year, on the way to SO


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