PIV, sexual intercourse in which the penis is inserted myvin into the vagina, is considered to be the definition myvin of "normal" sex by doctors, psychologists, television, and most men. But put the penis in the vagina should be considered the only way to have sex, or even sexual activity normal?
* Myth. PIV is the most enjoyable sex. This wirion.Mae 'n enjoyable for men most do not, most fenywod.Mae everyone has different preferences, but most women like having their clitoris stimulated instead. It has less nerves inside the vagina, so the pleasure a woman feels during PIV usually come from stimulating the clitoris, too. Why not stimulate the clitoris with the penis? These two partners have the pleasure. Most women do not enjoy PIV as much as they enjoy some women hate motivation clitoral.Mae PIV Say "PIV fun" is very opinionated, myvin as saying, "ice cream tastes good", or, "red is The best color ".
* Myth. The vagina is a hole, so it's supposed to be treiddio.Ffroenau and ears in the holes. They should also be penetrated? myvin And the anus? Navel? Neck? Urethra? A few holes are supposed to be penetrated. Unfortunately, myvin many men see a woman as an object-hole to keep things in full.
* Myth. The vagina spit out babies, so it can also be penetrated. No. The fact that the hole on the body spit out an object means that it is supposed to take objects inside myvin it. You can dirt. Does that mean normal or anal sex enjoyable when you can spit. Does that means putting the penis down the throat enjoyable? Why not use on open wound? myvin That hole, too. A few holes on the body is supposed to be filled with objects.
* Myth. PIV is the most common form of sex in movies, books, history, television, and our society, so it's the most normal. Just because something is common or has ever existed in history makes it good or arferol.Mae being racist in common a few hundred years ago. Does that mean that race is correct or normal? Men are responsible for most of the media, including film, books, and music industries. Their views are represented. Men usually enjoy PIV much more than women. PIV is portrayed as the main way of getting around in books and movies because men enjoy. Views of women are ignored, or films shows a higher percentage of women than PIV like to do in real life.
* Myth. Most women have PIV, and do not complain, so they probably enjoy it. How do you know that you really enjoy something if society and the media, movies, books and television, constantly trying to make you enjoy it? Some women are fooling themselves to think that they enjoy PIV because friends, TV, doctors, psychologists, and men, do women think there is something wrong with them physically or psychologically myvin if not . Does this mean women as PIV? If they need to significantly change their attitude or body to like it, they obviously did not like it!
* Myth. The penis is shaped myvin like a long stick because it was supposed to go inside the vagina. The first is formed myvin as a stick hir.A to be the first to go down the throat? A penis is supposed to go in the anus? If the fist goes up the vagina? Not all penises are big and long. Some are barely visible at all. Some are smaller than average clitoris and labia. Many large labia and clitorises, and many small penises. There are different sizes and shapes among male and female genitals. The idea that needed to be big penises are socially constructed. Boys with penises society is considered too small to be taken to the doctor to help them grow. A women with big clitorises and labia had surgery to "fix" the "problem". Women are told to sit with their legs together, causing the genitals to be squeezed myvin llai.Mae boys says to touch and pay attention to their penises, and this attention physical contact helps them to grow more. Society considers large penises and vaginas tight ideal, but this is a particular cause disaster for people who practice PIV Big penises and vaginas tight painful for the woman!
* Myth. If you do not like PIV, you're a prude, oppress, or anti-sex. PIV is the only way not to have sex, and should not be considered the greatest act rhywi
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