Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mo Jerihas nūteik atsagrīzšonas and pīdūšonas breinums. Zacchaeus SOCE new dzeive ..

2007th honorary 4-10th November No. 49 (572) at Aglyunas zvaneņš
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Mo Jerihas nūteik atsagrīzšonas and pīdūšonas breinums. Zacchaeus SOCE new dzeive .. "Behold, Lord, the half Sova monta I atdūdu nabogim, and because Kaido ASMU apkrōpis, the final resting mercedes vin decoder četrkōrteigi". Atcerēsimēs Jesus welcomes comments that are pīrakstējis Swati Lucas: "Pōrdūdit you who you are, and izdolot žālsirdeibas dōvonōs" (Lk 12,33). "Nivīns KOLPA Navar KOLPA divim of the Lord; JYS voi either wine naīredzēs and ūtru Milo, and he voi pīsakers but ūtru atraideis. Jyus reproduce KOLPA two and mammon. " (Lk 16,13). "Izpōrdūd vysu that you have izdoli nabogim, and you byus montōjums the sky; tod NOC et suiv me. " (Lk 18,22). "Said first you who you are Ickx, kai žālsirdeibas dōvonu and you teir byus Vyssi." (Lk 11,41). Ari Jon Kristeitōjs SOVIM klauseitōjim Sace: "Having two SVORKA, tys to īdūd then, who does not; and tys, who is Adam, to Dora taipat "(Lk 3,11). Atsagrīzšona millet to a specific pōrmaiņas dzeivē, especially atteiceibā to nabadzeigajim and apbādynōtajim.
Lucas Evangelista with Prik atstōsta Jesus reiceibu where JYS nasabeist pīsavērst sabīdreibas atmastajim, Tim, whose conscience is apgryutynōjuši you Dorbe because JYS is atnōcis na TOPEC to iznycynōt but to atbreivōt na nūtīsōt but pīdūt to "seek and glōbt tū that disappeared. " TOPEC SYS pesteišonas nūtykums is pamudynōjums Tim cylvākim who jyutās vaineigi and nalaimeigi, search Divas and uzaticēt two. Tys is aicynōjums to mīlesteibu - the soul atvērteibu to dorbōšonūs of the valve to Tim that sabīdreiba uzskota for the missing. Jesus olkst to because Bazneica Duţu samovar vysim to martyr because atstōj rental dinner and bagpipes "look and izglōbt you who disappeared."
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