Friday, November 8, 2013

This can not work because PHP evaluates only texts within.

multiple users (4) any runs and carries his km and time (per term) in a cck field a view (page) in which the user (logged), the miles the other can display. (User choice is easy, I know).
public block with total number (see right block "spilled km" (previously manually)) <<< this block is my problem. I have yet no solution. for the side-view hovers before me the solution.
My problem is that I do not know how I can do a block, in which a total number of miles and then create a view with each km of the user. as it is now quasie. the difference is just that at the moment I'm doing everything by hand and I'll just give me the mileage of the runners.
if it was not possible on this white, I would like php by a sum of the pay issue in the field of miles registered. However, I am not a php-hero. could someone provide the script zippy, in that I only have to enter the field name to me?
Posted by stBorchert kawasaki vin decoder (5908) on 15.11.2010 - 16:05 clock
This can not work because PHP evaluates only texts within. "Because you set the variable $ node in a text with single quotes, PHP evaluates the complete kawasaki vin decoder text as simple string, no additional kawasaki vin decoder treatment of the text, it will be made. $ Also contains node-> field_km [0] is not the name of the table column (which is needed for SUM), but an array. kawasaki vin decoder
I can leave to spend the sum of the fields in a view-km at the end. so I've already hinbekommen for a side-view. There you can select the user and gets at the end of the sum of the accrued miles displayed.
But now I will also have a block in which the sum of all accrued miles of all users is displayed, but with this I get views-calc not go there, except I let all miles from all users show, which would be relatively meaningless. The emphasis is on I, since it is perhaps possible but goes beyond my knowledge.
The "field_km" field does not exist in table "node" (I would be very much surprised if any). You need a SQL JOIN between the table "node" and the table in which the values are stored km. In about something:
<? Php $ sql = "SELECT n.uid, SUM (field_km_value) kawasaki vin decoder as km FROM {km} content_field_km INNER JOIN {node} n ON km.vid kawasaki vin decoder = n.vid WHERE n.type = '% s' GROUP BY n uid ": $ results = db_query ($ sql, 'kilometers'), $ items = array (); while (($ item = db_fetch_object ($ results)) == FALSE!) {$ items [] = t (' User ! uid: km ', array (' kawasaki vin decoder uid '=> $ item -> uid,' km '=> $ item -> km);} print theme (!)' item_list ', $ items);>?
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It's working! 11 minutes 34 seconds ago. 11 minutes before 6 seconds Hello JonR, your project is 12 minutes kawasaki vin decoder before 18 seconds with Custom kawasaki vin decoder Breadcrumbs can select 1 hour 53 minutes ago Did it now 8 hours 32 minutes ago out of the box 9 hours ago 53 minutes Subuser 13 hours 47 minutes ago Terrific! Many, many 14 hours 19 minutes ago Hi, this can be fixed 14 hours 20 minutes kawasaki vin decoder ago Thank you! Could the logs 14 hours 36 minutes ago
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